Black Sash and Beyond

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Grand Master Sijo Robert Z
Sijo Robert Z, Owner/Manager Shaolin Kung Fu Academy

Hi, I am Sijo Robert Z and i will tell you about post-black sash options at the Academy. First a bit of Background!

Shaolin Kung Fu was developed as a Health, fitness and well-being style using martial art techniques. The Shaolin required an art that allowed a life long usability from a very young age of 13y to the more senior years of 80y and 90y. They needed something that allowed them to stay healthy, fit and able bodied as accidents and mis-use could mean the end of you life. Although they had heelers and physicians, good ones when you were out and about and would injure yourself it could be your death. Their training and training habits had to be such as to keep them in top health first and allow them to defend themselves second. This meant that the training needed to be first Smart and Safe, then Hard and Effective. But most importantly, as they trained daily for several hours, it needed to be interesting and allow for individual options. You are now at the point where you have earned the right to move in a unique and specific to you direction. And there are a few of these!


Initially, Shaolin Monks meditated sitting, often fell asleep. An Indian Yoga Master developed a series exercises which may be described as meditation in motion. When the Shaolin Temple was destroyed the first time, the Shaolin realized they needed to protect themselves. They invited passing and retired kung fu masters and generals into the temple and from this they developed a sharp effective form of fighting. The style was very confrontational which did not sit well with the principles of Buddhism or the Monks so they developed it into a softer, hold and throw sort of style avoiding strikes and kicks. For about 300 years, this was enough and most Shaolin practiced this form except for a small number of Warrior Monks who practiced both styles.

When Shaolin was destroyed for the second time, Buddhist and Shaolin Monks dispersed to other temples in the furthest reaches of the continent. When the monks returned a long time after, they, brought with them a multitude of other kung fu and exercise styles which earned Shaolin the title of the 10,000 kung fu style temple. Over a long period, Shaolin Masters and Warrior Monks sorted the multitude of diverse styles into the Shaolin 5 Animal Kung Fu system.

Shaolin Tiger Kung Fu Shaolin Panther Kung Fu Shaolin Dragon and Phoneic, Yin and Yang Shaolin Crane Kung Fu Shaolin Snake Kung Fu

Then and even now, very few understand the true depth and nature of the Shaolin 5 Animal system. It is not about making animal noises or postures but about the way you like to do things. The 5 Animal system was build around four diverse human behavioral styles. The Tiger was for the direct, to the point type of person. The Panther best suited the thinker and strategist. The Crane suited those who did not like attacking or fighting, and the Snake Style was for those who used knowledge of the human body to best advantage. The Dragon represented Mastership and is best described as, "If you know kung fu, you will not need it." To master Shaolin 5 Animal Kung Fu is to seek the Dragon and accept the Phoenix.

Five Levels

In the way of Shaolin, there were five levels of monks; Novice, Senior, Adapt, Masters and the Abbot. The Shaolin Academy mirrors this in its training levels. The first five sash levels, Gray, White, Yellow, Orange, and Blue are the novices levels. The next five levels are the animal levels, Tiger, Panther, Crane, Snake, and then the final Accepted level, Completion, brings you to the first Black Sash, Adept level. Up until this point, the curriculum is set, much like in primary and high school. From this point on, everything changes and there is no set syllabus but a curriculum. This curriculum is negotiated with your master and is the path to you Mastership.

10 levels to Black Sash.

Three Proficiencies

Much the same as in the Shaolin Temple, you can initially chose at what proficiency level you wish to train. Shaolin was developed for health and fitness primarily so if you learn the taught skill correctly even if it is not strong or perfect, you can advance. If you wish to be proficient in using Shaolin Kung Fu for self-defence, the techniques need to be usable and effective. If your goal is to train for fighting in the ring, then your techniques and toughening needs to be superior and at a high standard. It is your choice. Most Shaolin trained for health and fitness only. it was often enough even for those journeying. Many monks chose to learn Shaolin Kung Fu for self defence and this of course takes more effort and time. As Warrior Shaolin, you need to be a good fighter, including against weapons.

Achieving Your Black Sash

Shaolin 5 Animal Kung Fu is the technical focused aspect of training. It is technical focused on learning all Animal Kung Fu techniques, preparing for a specialization once you reach your Black Sash. Weaponry Kung Fu focuses on a broad variety of weapon styles and you learn ten on your way to Black Sash. 72 Fist Kung Fu is the martial art aspect and you learn all 72 Fists on the path to Black Sash.

Beyond Black Sash

Past Black Sash you can continue to focus on the advanced aspects of 5 Animal Kung Fu, chose Weaponry Kung Fu, 72 Fist Kung Fu, Long Fist, Competitions, Fighting, teaching, and many other option which eventually lead to a second then third degree that way. Some examples.

Master Anthony Castillo
Shaolin Academy's Senior Master Dai Sigung Anthony Castillo.

Shaolin Academy's senior Master Dai Sigung Anthony Castillo achieved his Mastership by specializing in Shaolin Academy's style routines. He knows every style routine and is our reference for our routines.

For example, Sifu Martyn Mc., earned a Black Sash in 5 Animal Kung Fu techniques, Weaponry Kung Fu, then in 5 Animal Kung Fu forms. Sifu Anthony earned his first Black Sash in 5 Animal Kung Fu Techniques, then the second and third in 5 Animal Kung Fu forms. SiGung (Master) Wayne N, one of our very first members in 1992, earned his first Black Sash in 5 Animal techniques, his second on 5 Animal forms, his third by completing the trifecta, Open Black belt National Champion in Sparring, Forms, and Weaponry and all this in his first ten years. He then continued Karate training and became a recognized guest instructor for several Karate and Fighting Arts Schools, an International Judge and Referee for martial art competitions, national technical director for martial art judges and referees and continued his martial art development non-stop. In 2017 he was honored with a 5th Degree Masters and life achievement award.


You achieve your 1st Black Sash through the 5 Animal Kung Fu technical, Weapon Forms, or 72 Fist Kung Fu curriculum's after which you can chose to do complete either or both of the other, or focus on 5 Animal Style Forms, Practical Applications, or establish your own branch of the Shaolin Academy. Once your first member becomes a Black Sash you automatically achieve a Degree. If you are over fifty-years, and have at least twenty years continuous and regular martial art involvement, and are a 3rd degree, your earned your Mastership. Its not easy and it is not meant to be easy but unlike most martial arts, Shaolin Kung Fu allows you to specialize in aspects of kung fu other than the martial aspect, including teaching and refereeing.

Journey Time

Mormons allow their 16 year old's a year off to experience the world and decide if they wish to remain part of the community. Shaolin Monks also had Journey Years as part of their Shaolin Monk development. They too would leave the temple and journey the world and decide if they wish to remain on the Buddhist path and if they wished to do this the Shaolin Way. As well educated, healthy, and confident monks proficient in Reading, Writing, Numbers, Healing, History, the Fine and Martial Arts they had a lot of options to find work and become prosperous citizens. Many did and still many family's send their children to the Shaolin Temple Training School because of this excellent education. Many schools in China offer Wushu as part of their regular school syllabus because of this. Those Monks that return to Shaolin and dedicate their life to Buddha in Shaolin, continue on to become seniors monks, masters and one eventually the Abbot.

Shaolin Academy follows this tradition and encourages members to seek outside experience and train with other martial arts. If they find another style and continue training, or develop their own martial art school based on the Shaolin principles and continue their contact to the Academy, they are still members and on their Shaolin Journey. If they retuned and continue training in the academy, they are the better for it too, and also continue their Shaolin. Any Black Sashes or Belts earned along the way are recognized by the Shaolin Academy, if earned by a know and reputable style.

So, come on in and see if what we do is for you!

Free Training Voucher
Free Training Voucher

We are happy to hear from you and answer you martial art, health and developmental questions. If you wish to train with us, the first 3 sessions are free. It is best to try these before making any commitment. If you have any other questions or would lust like to explore some possibilities, you can;

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