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Weapons of Ancient China - Blunt
Impact, Bludgeon, Club, and Smash.

On this page . . .

You will find out about the Ancient and traditional Weapons that were made to stun and hurt not to kill. As a student you will learn how to use these Weapons but more importantly how to defend against these Weapons if ever attacked!


Shaolin Academy Grand Master, Sijo Robert Z.

You cannot be a complete Shaolin Kung Fu practitioner without learning at least the four basic weapons and one odd weapon. How could you possibly defend against a weapon if you do not know how the weapon works (beyond the theoretical) and how it can be used against you. Aside, weapon training is fun much like using apparatus in gymnastics. It adds a dimension to your training.

Shaolin Kung Fu Academy's 1st Staff Routine


Most any object can be used as a weapon. Yet, to be safe and proficient with Weapons or object as weapons you need to understand what these do, how to handle them safely and most importantly for Shaolin Practitioners, how to defend against them bare-handed. You can not seek to defend against a weapon if you do not understand how it can be used, what it can do, it's strengths and weaknesses. That is why, part of the Shaolin 5 Animal Kung Fu Academy's training, learning a minimal safe use of weapons is part of the progress towards Black Sash and then Mastery. The safest weapon to defend against is usually the Blunt, Impacting weapons such as a Stick, Staff, Bat, Hammer of 2-by-4. On this page we have a look at a number of these weapons just to introduce them to our students an members.

Most clubbing Weapons are easily constructed. A club with a stone may have been one of the first or just a stick with a thickened end (much like a baseball bat). A simple cane, bamboo or walking stick.

Perspective on Shaolin and Weaponry

Sihing Daniel B., and Sishon Mark developed this form for the opening of our Camberwell. The Thug and Beggar Routine.

Shaolin were Buddhists, mainly. This really did not allow them to use Weaponry against other living beings; not just against people or anything living, but no items which primary function is to kill living beings! Yet they trained with Weapons! However, Shaolin had tools like giant spoons for stirring noodles, water carrying staffs, walking sticks, the Monks Spade and the Monk's Lantern ↠. Still, they also trained most other weapons, but why? There are two reasons. Health and fitness, and protection.

  1. Shaolin Buddhist Monks main aim was to achieve enlightenment, preferably in the current lifetime as Lord Buddha did in his life time. This requires prolonged periods of meditation which can lead to poor health unless you balance it with daily exercise. Using weapons like apparatus stimulates the mind and enhances your exercise.
  2. 'The capitol (with police and order) is far away', meaning that law and order was a do-it-yourself kind of affair in between the four mountain peaks in the heart of China. Shaolin Temple was razed for the first time after only 40 years of operation. So when the monks came back and rebuilt, they knew they had to take care of their own safety. No, they did not use weapons, but they had to appreciate how a weapon could be used against them.

↞Its fun, seriously. Have a look at the video. But you will also learn to defend yourself against a person with a stick, baseball bat, broom handle, fighting stick and the like. You will also learn how to use such household items in your own defence and learn to recognize of the person holding a weapon knows what they are doing. So, for some serious fun and confidence, come and try three free sessions with us!

Help us maintain this information, videos and WEB site with a yearly donation and receive direct access to Grand master Robert Z with most any questions relating to health, wellbeing, and martial arts.

Important Notice

The Victorian Government has introduced laws to target knife crime. From 22 August 2010 you can be searched for knives in a public place anywhere, anytime, with and without notice. If you are 16 and over and get caught carrying a controlled weapon such as a knife, you face an on the spot fine of $1,000, or you may have to go to court and face a fine of over $14,000 or one year imprisonment. This penalty is doubled if you are inside or within 20 meters of a pub, club or bar. From 1 January 2011 If you are under 18 you will no longer able to buy any type of knife, including kitchen knives or knives for school or work. To do so is against the law and you will face a $239 on the spot fine, or you could face court and a fine of over $1,400. Anyone who knowingly sells a knife or other controlled weapon to a minor faces a fine of over $2,300. Details and link at the bottom of this page. Victoria Police - Our Services - Weapons WEB page.

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We are happy to hear from you and answer you martial art, health and developmental questions. If you wish to train with us, the first 3 sessions are free. It is best to try these before making any commitment. If you have any other questions or would lust like to explore some possibilities, you can;

More About Shaolin Academy Weapons and Training

1 Chinese Weapon Intro2 Why Train Weapons3 Defending Against Weapons4 Weapon History5 Weapon Styles
Traditional Chinese Blunt Weapons    Traditional Chinese Sharp Weapons    Traditional Chinese Flying Weapons    Traditional Chinese Hidden/Flexible Weapons    Traditional Not Weapons
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