You will discover about Ancient and Traditional Chinese Weapons that are flexible and/or weapons that can be hidden around the body. Yes, swords, and other stuff can be hidden around the body too but we focus on Traditional Chinese Weaponry, mainly. One of the problems with hidden weapons is getting them out or the police catching you with them, especially some of the ones shown above ↟. These weapons are also difficult to learn and use especially those based on ropes. You will probably not encounter a Morning Star or a Ninja Climbing Claw but a meteor hammer, garrote, nine-section-whip, nunchucks, or a riding crop are another thing altogether.
Unless you live in an area with high violent crime, it would not be worthwhile learning to manage attackers using such odd weapons unless there is another benefit for you like it being part of your health and fitness workout. We do not cover these weapons too often as you need a solid year or two of weekly training to come close to understanding the weapon. It is not just a matter of watching a video and yes, I got it, that is how its done. You need to be under pressure, have an instructor guiding you and have plenty of opportunities for trial and error and to make mistakes without dangerous consequences to anyone.
If you look at the recording to the right ↠, the level of control that Sihing Max P shows requires some practice. Would be like Fire Twirling except we aim at targets as you see later in the recording. It is not easy! Sifu Michael T. practiced often for quite a long time to have the skill to hit a target 3-4 times out of five, even moving targets. But he dedicated to training the meteor hammer for two years to achieve that level of expertise. Unless you know what to look for, just anyone swinging a rock at the end of a rope will be dangerous but once you know the skill required, you will know if they are dangerous to you or to themselves.
Truly understanding how a weapon can be used against you, can only be experienced by hands on training and guidance. YouTube and the web are full of experts who will show you how to do something, even if sometimes they do not know how. But we do not train in the expectation of someone attacking us with a chain, rope dart, or meteor hammer, we learn the skill to broaden our mind, keep our training interesting, and have fun. Why not drop in on us on Saturday 10.30am in 37 Albert St. Mordialloc and join in, at least for the three free sessions. To the left is a three free session training gift card ↞.
Fun, Fitness and Self Defence; most certainly the Fun and Fitness should be a life long thing. It should also be interesting and mentally stimulating. Training Traditional Chinese Weaponry is not for becoming a master at killing but for the fun and enjoyment of having different exercises. But it is also a preparing members to be able to defend themselves well against all manor of attacks; bare-handed or armed. Yet, for most of us this will not happen but if you are working on being healthy and fit, why not do it whilst learning to defend yourself, improve posture and stimulate your mind!
The Victorian Government has introduced laws to target knife crime. From 22 August 2010 you can be searched for knives in a public place anywhere, anytime, with and without notice. If you are 16 and over and get caught carrying a controlled weapon such as a knife, you face an on the spot fine of $1,000, or you may have to go to court and face a fine of over $14,000 or one year imprisonment. This penalty is doubled if you are inside or within 20 meters of a pub, club or bar. From 1 January 2011 If you are under 18 you will no longer able to buy any type of knife, including kitchen knives or knives for school or work. To do so is against the law and you will face a $239 on the spot fine, or you could face court and a fine of over $1,400. Anyone who knowingly sells a knife or other controlled weapon to a minor faces a fine of over $2,300. Details and link at the bottom of this page. Victoria Police - Our Services - Weapons WEB page.
We are happy to hear from you and answer you martial art, health and developmental questions. If you wish to train with us, the first 3 sessions are free. It is best to try these before making any commitment. If you have any other questions or would lust like to explore some possibilities, you can;