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Not Weapon Weapons
In the hands of a skilled practitioner, can even be deadly

Almost anything can be a weapon, even a playing card, a toothpick, or a toothbrush.

The Deep End

Sifu 3rd Degree Martin McD., leading the class.
Master Anthony, Sifu 2nd Degree Sam S.


You can make such stuff up and there was a lot more to list. So, this segment is to make members aware that almost any object, as small as a credit card or as large as a dunny (toilet) can be a weapon. Agreed, not the casual think you may be carrying with you, but our training makes you aware of the possibility and what to look out for. Then you have all the usual culprits, hammers, screw drivers, crow bars, tire irons, kitchen utensils and the rest. But no, we do not train with any of these, but other. Perhaps the recording will tell you more of what we learn in this category, with less words.

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We are happy to hear from you and answer you martial art, health and developmental questions. If you wish to train with us, the first 3 sessions are free. It is best to try these before making any commitment. If you have any other questions or would lust like to explore some possibilities, you can;

More About Shaolin Academy Weapons and Training

1 Chinese Weapon Intro2 Why Train Weapons3 Defending Against Weapons4 Weapon History5 Weapon Styles
Traditional Chinese Blunt Weapons    Traditional Chinese Sharp Weapons    Traditional Chinese Hidden/Flexible Weapons    Traditional Chinese Flying Weapons    The Anything Weapons
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